Source: openseadragon-imaginghelper/dist/openseadragon-imaginghelper.js

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/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = "./src/imaginghelper.js");
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/******/ ({

/***/ "./src/imaginghelper.js":
  !*** ./src/imaginghelper.js ***!
/*! exports provided: default */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var openseadragon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! openseadragon */ "openseadragon");
/* harmony import */ var openseadragon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(openseadragon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);

 * @file openseadragon-imaginghelper.js
 * @version 2.2.2
 * @author Mark Salsbery <>

 * @module openseadragon-imaginghelper
 * @version 2.2.2
 * @requires module:openseadragon

/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ((function (OSD, $) {
  if (!OSD.version || OSD.version.major < 2) {
    throw new Error('OpenSeadragonImagingHelper requires OpenSeadragon version 2.0.0+');
   * Creates a new ImagingHelper attached to the viewer.
   * @method activateImagingHelper
   * @memberof external:"OpenSeadragon.Viewer"#
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.EventHandler"} [options.onImageViewChanged] - {@link OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.event:image-view-changed} handler method.
   * @param {Integer} [options.worldIndex] - The index of the image for world.getItemAt
   * @returns {OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper}

  OSD.Viewer.prototype.activateImagingHelper = function (options) {
    if (!this.imagingHelper) {
      options = options || {};
      options.viewer = this;
      this.imagingHelper = new $.ImagingHelper(options);

    return this.imagingHelper;
   * Creates a new ImagingHelper attached to the viewer instance passed in the options parameter.
   * @class ImagingHelper
   * @classdesc Provides imaging helper methods and properties for the OpenSeadragon viewer.
   * @memberof OpenSeadragonImaging
   * @extends external:"OpenSeadragon.EventSource"
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.Viewer"} options.viewer - Required! Reference to OpenSeadragon viewer to attach to.
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.EventHandler"} [options.onImageViewChanged] - {@link OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.event:image-view-changed} handler method.
   * @param {Integer} [options.worldIndex] - The index of the image for world.getItemAt

  $.ImagingHelper = function (options) {;
    options = options || {};

    if (!options.viewer) {
      throw new Error('A viewer must be specified.');

    if (options.viewer.imagingHelper) {
      throw new Error('Viewer already has an ImagingHelper.');

    this._viewer = options.viewer;

    if (typeof options.worldIndex === 'number') {
      this._worldIndex = options.worldIndex;
    } else {
      this._worldIndex = 0;
    } // Add this object to the Viewer

    this._viewer.imagingHelper = this;
     * A reference to the options passed at creation.
     * @member {object} options
     * @memberof OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper#
     * @property {external:"OpenSeadragon.Viewer"} viewer - Reference to OpenSeadragon viewer this ImagingHelper is attached to.
     * @property {external:"OpenSeadragon.EventHandler"} [onImageViewChanged] - {@link OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.event:image-view-changed} handler method.

    this.options = options;
     * The image's native width in pixels.
     * @member {number} imgWidth
     * @memberof OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper#

    this.imgWidth = 0.0;
     * The image's native height in pixels.
     * @member {number} imgHeight
     * @memberof OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper#

    this.imgHeight = 0.0;
     * The image's aspect ratio (width / height).
     * @member {number} imgAspectRatio
     * @memberof OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper#

    this.imgAspectRatio = 0.0; // Private

    this._zoomFactor = 1.0;
    this._minZoom = 0.001;
    this._maxZoom = 10;
    this._zoomStepPercent = 30;
    this._haveImage = false;
    this._viewerSize = null; // Unadjusted viewport settings (aspect ratio not applied)
    // All coordinates are logical (0 to 1) relative to the image

    this._viewportWidth = 0.0;
    this._viewportHeight = 0.0;
    this._viewportOrigin = new OSD.Point(0, 0);
    this._viewportCenter = new OSD.Point(0, 0); // Wire up event handlers

    this._onOpen = OSD.delegate(this, this.onOpen);
    this._onClose = OSD.delegate(this, this.onClose);
    this._onAnimation = OSD.delegate(this, this.onAnimation);
    this._onAnimationFinish = OSD.delegate(this, this.onAnimationFinish);
    this._onResize = OSD.delegate(this, this.onResize);
    this._onFullPage = OSD.delegate(this, this.onFullPage);
    this._onFullScreen = OSD.delegate(this, this.onFullScreen);
    this._onWorldAddItem = OSD.delegate(this, this.onWorldAddItem);
    this._onWorldRemoveItem = OSD.delegate(this, this.onWorldRemoveItem);
    this._onWorldItemIndexChange = OSD.delegate(this, this.onWorldItemIndexChange);
    this._onWorldMetricsChange = OSD.delegate(this, this.onWorldMetricsChange);

    if (options.onImageViewChanged) {
      this.addHandler('image-view-changed', options.onImageViewChanged);

    this._viewer.addHandler('open', this._onOpen);

    this._viewer.addHandler('close', this._onClose);

    this._viewer.addHandler('animation', this._onAnimation);

    this._viewer.addHandler('animation-finish', this._onAnimationFinish);

    this._viewer.addHandler('resize', this._onResize);

    this._viewer.addHandler('full-page', this._onFullPage);

    this._viewer.addHandler('full-screen', this._onFullScreen); //'add-item', this._onWorldAddItem);
    //'remove-item', this._onWorldRemoveItem);
    // 	'item-index-change',
    // 	this._onWorldItemIndexChange
    // );
    // 	'metrics-change',
    // 	this._onWorldMetricsChange
    // );

  }; // Inherit OpenSeadragon.EventSource

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype = Object.create(OSD.EventSource.prototype);
   * ImagingHelper version.
   * @member {Object} OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.version
   * @static
   * @property {String} versionStr - The version number as a string ('major.minor.revision').
   * @property {Number} major - The major version number.
   * @property {Number} minor - The minor version number.
   * @property {Number} revision - The revision number.

  $.ImagingHelper.version = {
    "versionStr": "2.2.2",
    "major": 2,
    "minor": 2,
    "revision": 2
  Object.defineProperty($.ImagingHelper.prototype, 'constructor', {
    enumerable: false,
    value: $.ImagingHelper
   * Remove hooks, event handlers, and OpenSeadragon references. Call before
   * OpenSeadragon.Viewer.destroy().
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#destroy
   * @since 2.2.0

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.destroy = function () {
    if (this.options.onImageViewChanged) {
      this.removeHandler('image-view-changed', this.options.onImageViewChanged);

    this._viewer.removeHandler('open', this._onOpen);

    this._viewer.removeHandler('close', this._onClose);

    this._viewer.removeHandler('animation', this._onAnimation);

    this._viewer.removeHandler('animation-finish', this._onAnimationFinish);

    this._viewer.removeHandler('resize', this._onResize);

    this._viewer.removeHandler('full-page', this._onFullPage);

    this._viewer.removeHandler('full-screen', this._onFullScreen); //'add-item', this._onWorldAddItem);
    // 	'remove-item',
    // 	this._onWorldRemoveItem
    // );
    // 	'item-index-change',
    // 	this._onWorldItemIndexChange
    // );
    // 	'metrics-change',
    // 	this._onWorldMetricsChange
    // );

    this._viewer.imagingHelper = null;


    this._viewer = null;
    this.options.viewer = null;
   * Raises the {@link OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.image-view-changed} event
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#_raiseImageViewChanged

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype._raiseImageViewChanged = function () {
     * Raised whenever the viewer's zoom or pan changes and the ImagingHelper's properties have been updated.
     * @event image-view-changed
     * @memberof OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper} eventSource - A reference to the ImagingHelper which raised the event.
     * @property {number} viewportWidth - Width of viewport in logical coordinates.
     * @property {number} viewportHeight - Height of viewport in logical coordinates.
     * @property {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"} viewportOrigin - Center of viewport in logical coordinates.
     * @property {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"} viewportCenter - Center of viewport in logical coordinates.
     * @property {number} zoomFactor - Zoom factor.
     * @property {Object} [userData=null] - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object.
    this.raiseEvent('image-view-changed', {
      viewportWidth: this._viewportWidth,
      viewportHeight: this._viewportHeight,
      viewportOrigin: this._viewportOrigin,
      viewportCenter: this._viewportCenter,
      zoomFactor: this._zoomFactor
   * Called whenever the OpenSeadragon viewer zoom/pan changes
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#_trackZoomPan
   * @fires OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.image-view-changed

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype._trackZoomPan = function () {
    var boundsRect = this._viewer.viewport.getBounds(true);

    this._viewportOrigin.x = boundsRect.x;
    this._viewportOrigin.y = boundsRect.y * this.imgAspectRatio;
    this._viewportWidth = boundsRect.width;
    this._viewportHeight = boundsRect.height * this.imgAspectRatio;
    this._viewportCenter.x = this._viewportOrigin.x + this._viewportWidth / 2.0;
    this._viewportCenter.y = this._viewportOrigin.y + this._viewportHeight / 2.0;
    this._zoomFactor = this.getViewerContainerSize().x / (this._viewportWidth * this.imgWidth);

   * Gets the size of the viewer's container element.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#getViewerContainerSize
   * @returns {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"}

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.getViewerContainerSize = function () {
    //return this._viewer.viewport.getContainerSize();
    var element = this._viewer.container; //return new OSD.Point(
    //    (element.clientWidth === 0 ? 1 : element.clientWidth),
    //    (element.clientHeight === 0 ? 1 : element.clientHeight)

    return new OSD.Point(element.clientWidth, element.clientHeight);
   * Helper method for users of the OpenSeadragon.Viewer's autoResize = false option.
   * Call this whenever the viewer is resized, and the image will stay displayed at
   * the same zoom factor and same center point.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#notifyResize
   * @fires OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.image-view-changed

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.notifyResize = function () {
    var newViewerSize, center, zoom;

    if (this._haveImage) {
      newViewerSize = this.getViewerContainerSize();

      if (!newViewerSize.equals(this._viewerSize)) {
        this._viewerSize = newViewerSize;
        center = new OSD.Point(this._viewportCenter.x, this._viewportCenter.y / this.imgAspectRatio);
        zoom = this._zoomFactor;

        this._viewer.viewport.resize(newViewerSize, false);

        this._viewer.viewport.zoomTo(zoom * this.imgWidth / newViewerSize.x, null, true);

        this._viewer.viewport.panTo(center, true);

   * Gets the minimum zoom factor allowed.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#getMinZoom
   * @returns {number}

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.getMinZoom = function () {
    return this._minZoom;
   * Sets the minimum zoom factor allowed.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#setMinZoom
   * @param {number} value - The desired minimum zoom factor.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.setMinZoom = function (value) {
    this._minZoom = value;
    this._viewer.minZoomLevel = value * this.imgWidth / this.getViewerContainerSize().x;
   * Gets the maximum zoom factor allowed.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#getMaxZoom
   * @returns {number}

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.getMaxZoom = function () {
    return this._maxZoom;
   * Sets the maximum zoom factor allowed.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#setMaxZoom
   * @param {number} value - The desired maximum zoom factor.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.setMaxZoom = function (value) {
    this._maxZoom = value;
    this._viewer.maxZoomLevel = value * this.imgWidth / this.getViewerContainerSize().x;
   * Gets the percentage of the current zoom factor to increase/decrease when using the zoomIn/zoomOut methods.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#getZoomStepPercent
   * @returns {number}

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.getZoomStepPercent = function () {
    return this._zoomStepPercent;
   * Sets the percentage of the current zoom factor to increase/decrease when using the zoomIn/zoomOut methods.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#setZoomStepPercent
   * @param {number} value - The desired percentage.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.setZoomStepPercent = function (value) {
    this._zoomStepPercent = value;
   * Zooms and/or pans the viewport based on a viewport width and center point.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#setView
   * @param {number} width - The desired viewport width in logical units.
   * @param {number} height - The desired viewport width in logical units (currently not used, native image aspect ratio is preserved).
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"} centerpoint - The desired viewport center point in logical units.
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.setView = function (width, height, centerpoint, immediately) {
    if (this._haveImage) {
      if (this._viewportWidth !== width || this._viewportHeight !== height) {
        this._viewer.viewport.zoomTo(1.0 / width, null, immediately);

      if (this._viewportCenter.x !== centerpoint.x || this._viewportCenter.y !== centerpoint.y) {
        this._viewer.viewport.panTo(new OSD.Point(centerpoint.x, centerpoint.y / this.imgAspectRatio), immediately);
   * Gets the current zoom factor, the ratio of the displayed size to the image's native size.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#getZoomFactor
   * @returns {number}

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.getZoomFactor = function () {
    return this._zoomFactor;
   * Sets the zoom factor, the ratio of the displayed size to the image's native size.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#setZoomFactor
   * @param {number} value - The desired zoom factor.
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.setZoomFactor = function (value, immediately) {
    if (this._haveImage && value !== this._zoomFactor && value > 0.0) {
      this._viewer.viewport.zoomTo(value * this.imgWidth / this.getViewerContainerSize().x, new OSD.Point(this._viewportCenter.x, this._viewportCenter.y / this.imgAspectRatio), immediately);
   * Zooms in by a factor of getZoomStepPercent().
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#zoomIn
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.zoomIn = function (immediately) {
    var newzoom = this._zoomFactor;
    newzoom *= 1.0 + this._zoomStepPercent / 100.0;

    if (newzoom > this._maxZoom) {
      newzoom = this._maxZoom;

    this.setZoomFactor(newzoom, immediately);
   * Zooms out by a factor of getZoomStepPercent().
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#zoomOut
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.zoomOut = function (immediately) {
    var newzoom = this._zoomFactor;
    newzoom /= 1.0 + this._zoomStepPercent / 100.0;

    if (newzoom < this._minZoom) {
      newzoom = this._minZoom;

    this.setZoomFactor(newzoom, immediately);
   * Sets the zoom factor, the ratio of the displayed size to the image's native size, leaving the logical point in the same viewer position.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#zoomAboutLogicalPoint
   * @param {number} newzoomfactor - The desired zoom factor.
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"} logpoint - The logical point to remain in current displayed position.
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.zoomAboutLogicalPoint = function (newzoomfactor, logpoint, immediately) {
    if (this._haveImage && newzoomfactor !== this._zoomFactor && newzoomfactor > 0.0) {
      this._viewer.viewport.zoomTo(newzoomfactor * this.imgWidth / this.getViewerContainerSize().x, new OSD.Point(logpoint.x, logpoint.y / this.imgAspectRatio), immediately);
   * Zooms in by a factor of getZoomStepPercent(), leaving the logical point in the same viewer position.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#zoomInAboutLogicalPoint
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"} logpoint - The logical point to remain in current displayed position.
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.zoomInAboutLogicalPoint = function (logpoint, immediately) {
    var newzoom = this._zoomFactor;
    newzoom *= 1.0 + this._zoomStepPercent / 100.0;

    if (newzoom > this._maxZoom) {
      newzoom = this._maxZoom;

    this.zoomAboutLogicalPoint(newzoom, logpoint, immediately);
   * Zooms out by a factor of getZoomStepPercent(), leaving the logical point in the same viewer position.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#zoomOutAboutLogicalPoint
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"} logpoint - The logical point to remain in current displayed position.
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.zoomOutAboutLogicalPoint = function (logpoint, immediately) {
    var newzoom = this._zoomFactor;
    newzoom /= 1.0 + this._zoomStepPercent / 100.0;

    if (newzoom < this._minZoom) {
      newzoom = this._minZoom;

    this.zoomAboutLogicalPoint(newzoom, logpoint, immediately);
   * Pans the view so the logical point is centered in the viewport.
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#centerAboutLogicalPoint
   * @param {external:"OpenSeadragon.Point"} logpoint - The desired center point.
   * @param {boolean} [immediately] - If true, the view is set immediately with no spring animation.

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.centerAboutLogicalPoint = function (logpoint, immediately) {
    if (this._haveImage && (this._viewportCenter.x !== logpoint.x || this._viewportCenter.y !== logpoint.y)) {
      this._viewer.viewport.panTo(new OSD.Point(logpoint.x, logpoint.y / this.imgAspectRatio), immediately);
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#physicalToLogicalPoint

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.physicalToLogicalPoint = function (point) {
    return new OSD.Point(this.physicalToLogicalX(point.x), this.physicalToLogicalY(point.y));
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#logicalToPhysicalPoint

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.logicalToPhysicalPoint = function (point) {
    return new OSD.Point(this.logicalToPhysicalX(point.x), this.logicalToPhysicalY(point.y));
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#physicalToLogicalX

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.physicalToLogicalX = function (x) {
    return this._haveImage ? this._viewportOrigin.x + x / this.getViewerContainerSize().x * this._viewportWidth : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#physicalToLogicalY

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.physicalToLogicalY = function (y) {
    return this._haveImage ? this._viewportOrigin.y + y / this.getViewerContainerSize().y * this._viewportHeight : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#logicalToPhysicalX

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.logicalToPhysicalX = function (x) {
    return this._haveImage ? (x - this._viewportOrigin.x) / this._viewportWidth * this.getViewerContainerSize().x : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#logicalToPhysicalY

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.logicalToPhysicalY = function (y) {
    return this._haveImage ? (y - this._viewportOrigin.y) / this._viewportHeight * this.getViewerContainerSize().y : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#physicalToLogicalDistance

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.physicalToLogicalDistance = function (distance) {
    return this._haveImage ? distance / this.getViewerContainerSize().x * this._viewportWidth : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#logicalToPhysicalDistance

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.logicalToPhysicalDistance = function (distance) {
    return this._haveImage ? distance / this._viewportWidth * this.getViewerContainerSize().x : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#logicalToDataPoint

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.logicalToDataPoint = function (point) {
    return new OSD.Point(this.logicalToDataX(point.x), this.logicalToDataY(point.y));
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#dataToLogicalPoint

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.dataToLogicalPoint = function (point) {
    return new OSD.Point(this.dataToLogicalX(point.x), this.dataToLogicalY(point.y));
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#physicalToDataPoint

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.physicalToDataPoint = function (point) {
    if ( === 1) {
      return new OSD.Point(this.physicalToDataX(point.x), this.physicalToDataY(point.y));
    } else {
      var tiledImage =;

      return tiledImage.viewerElementToImageCoordinates(point);
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#dataToPhysicalPoint

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.dataToPhysicalPoint = function (point) {
    return new OSD.Point(this.dataToPhysicalX(point.x), this.dataToPhysicalY(point.y));
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#logicalToDataX

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.logicalToDataX = function (x) {
    return this._haveImage ? x * this.imgWidth : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#logicalToDataY

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.logicalToDataY = function (y) {
    return this._haveImage ? y * this.imgHeight : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#dataToLogicalX

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.dataToLogicalX = function (x) {
    return this._haveImage && this.imgWidth > 0 ? x / this.imgWidth : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#dataToLogicalY

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.dataToLogicalY = function (y) {
    return this._haveImage && this.imgHeight > 0 ? y / this.imgHeight : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#physicalToDataX

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.physicalToDataX = function (x) {
    if ( === 1) {
      return this._haveImage && this.getViewerContainerSize().x > 0 ? (this._viewportOrigin.x + x / this.getViewerContainerSize().x * this._viewportWidth) * this.imgWidth : 0;
    } else {
      var tiledImage =;

      var pt = tiledImage.viewerElementToImageCoordinates(new OSD.Point(x, 0)); //viewportToImageCoordinates x,y,cur or point,cur

      return pt.x;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#physicalToDataY

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.physicalToDataY = function (y) {
    if ( === 1) {
      return this._haveImage && this.getViewerContainerSize().y > 0 ? (this._viewportOrigin.y + y / this.getViewerContainerSize().y * this._viewportHeight) * this.imgHeight : 0;
    } else {
      var tiledImage =;

      var pt = tiledImage.viewerElementToImageCoordinates(new OSD.Point(0, y)); //viewportToImageCoordinates x,y,cur or point,cur

      return pt.y;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#dataToPhysicalX

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.dataToPhysicalX = function (x) {
    return this._haveImage && this.imgWidth > 0 ? (x / this.imgWidth - this._viewportOrigin.x) / this._viewportWidth * this.getViewerContainerSize().x : 0;
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#dataToPhysicalY

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.dataToPhysicalY = function (y) {
    return this._haveImage && this.imgHeight > 0 ? (y / this.imgHeight - this._viewportOrigin.y) / this._viewportHeight * this.getViewerContainerSize().y : 0;
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onOpen

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onOpen = function ()
    //OSD.console.log('!!! [onOpen]');
    var tiledImage =;

    this._haveImage = true;
    this.imgWidth = tiledImage.source.dimensions.x;
    this.imgHeight = tiledImage.source.dimensions.y;
    this.imgAspectRatio = this.imgWidth / this.imgHeight;

   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onClose

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onClose = function () {
    //OSD.console.log('!!! [onClose]');
    this._haveImage = false;
    this.imgWidth = 0.0;
    this.imgHeight = 0.0;
    this.imgAspectRatio = 0.0;
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onAnimation

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onAnimation = function () {
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onAnimationFinish

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onAnimationFinish = function () {
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onResize

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onResize = function () {
    if (this._viewer.autoResize) {
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onFullPage

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onFullPage = function () {
   * @private
   * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onFullScreen

  $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onFullScreen = function () {
  }; // /*
  //  * @private
  //  * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onWorldAddItem
  //  *
  //  **/
  // $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onWorldAddItem = function (/*event*/) {
  // 	//OSD.console.log( '!!! onWorldAddItem', request.status, url );
  // 	//OSD.console.log('!!! [onWorldAddItem]');
  // 	// this._trackZoomPan();
  // };
  // /*
  //  * @private
  //  * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onWorldRemoveItem
  //  *
  //  **/
  // $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onWorldRemoveItem = function (/*event*/) {
  // 	//OSD.console.log('!!! [onWorldRemoveItem]');
  // 	// this._trackZoomPan();
  // };
  // /*
  //  * @private
  //  * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onWorldItemIndexChange
  //  *
  //  **/
  // $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onWorldItemIndexChange = function (/*event*/) {
  // 	//OSD.console.log('!!! [onWorldItemIndexChange]');
  // 	// this._trackZoomPan();
  // };
  // /*
  //  * @private
  //  * @method OpenSeadragonImaging.ImagingHelper.prototype#onWorldMetricsChange
  //  *
  //  **/
  // $.ImagingHelper.prototype.onWorldMetricsChange = function (/*event*/) {
  // 	//OSD.console.log('!!! [onWorldMetricsChange]');
  // 	// this._trackZoomPan();
  // };

  return $.ImagingHelper;
})(openseadragon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a || window.OpenSeadragon, window.OpenSeadragonImaging = window.OpenSeadragonImaging || {}));

/***/ }),

/***/ "openseadragon":
  !*** external "openseadragon" ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {

module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_openseadragon__;

/***/ })

/******/ })["default"];